We are getting there little by little. It's tough trying to get a business rolling with out going into debt, and I want to say I kind of like it this way.
There is that old saying...you appreciate it more since you had to work for it...
This is so true, we are grateful for ever step we take, closer and closer, day by day. Now I know this sounds like a bunch of cliche's, believe you, me...it's not. Sure we could wave a magic wand around and poof.....the shop is done...(who am I kidding that sounds fantastic)...that would be nice and all but, there is something to it when you build each table/workstation/desk.
What do we have done, how productive have we been?
We have a computer desk and new to Us computer.

Built workstation, and stocking with supplies...pens, paper, equipment, tools...
ok there is nothing in there but i promise...i have pens, paper clips and envelopes galore!
Bought sink top (we still have to buy the cabinets that the sink fit in...we should have this done by Saturday?)
Bought a new to us display refrigerator, THANK YOU INTERNET!!!

side note...I tell you, this Internet thing is fantastic...now if only we can get it to be productive...hummmmm...all that will come...
Printed temporary business cards...now I know some people maybe cringing right now, but let me explain...A) remember we are doing this debt free and B) they are not those perforated style that you can tell you made them yourself...(not that there is anything wrong with that, just not the direction we are going) they are laser printed double sized, for advertising purposes also...
Next up drilling for the pluming...something about the s-curve connects to the straight pipe, the straight pipe connects to the "P" trap...I don't know...it's plumbing...that covers it!Supplies...more supplies, buckets and vases oh my!San Diego Rose Company is coming along, we are the little engine that could...choo, choo!